来る12月7日(月)15時より、東工大資源化学研究所にてMaes先生(University of Antwerp 教授)講演会を開催します。 詳細は下記ご覧ください。

◆資源化学研究所講演会 LINK


講師:Bert U.W. Maes 先生(University of Antwerp教授)

演題:Sustainable Construction and Decoration of Nitrogen Containing Compounds using Transition Metal Catalysis

場所:資源化学研究所 R1棟2階 第1会議室

Nitrogen containing compounds, including heterocycles, are import for the agrochemical and pharmaceutical industry. In the lecture new ways to decorate and synthesize such compounds based on transition metal catalysis will be shown. In the first part a new sustainable oxidation reaction of benzylazines and -azoles with oxygen will be presented as well as the study of its reaction mechanism. The second part of the lecture will deal with new ways to synthesize guanidines, including heteroaromatic scaffolds based on this entity, and challenging sterically hindered and electron deficient amides using isocyanides as C1 reagents.